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Experiential Marketing

​Experiential marketing allows customers to engage and interact with brands, products and services. Personal and emotional experiences help people connect to a brand. The term "Experiential Marketing" refers to actual customer experiences with the brand/product/service that drive sales and increase brand image and awareness. It's the difference between telling people about features of a product or service and letting them experience the benefits for themselves. When done right, it's the most powerful tool out there to win brand loyalty.

PLAYeat products let customers feel that they are getting the most for their money.  Implementing our special, tailor-made table cloths allows customers to have fun, experience and develop a positive feeling for your company, which will increase loyalty and bring more & more happy clients. Our product is your marketing.
Everyone loves a party, and everybody likes to eat... When it is time to introduce a new company product or service, a business can invite customers to an event with special activities, games and riddles. This is our specialty. For example, one key to drawing larger crowds is to make sure there is something for the children to do while parents are perusing the new products. Planning children’s activities makes the event more fun for everyone. This gives the company a family-friendly reputation as well.


You're welcome to continue reading more about experiential marketing, check out PLAYeat tips, designs andfun stuff ​or contact us for more details.​


© 2012 PLAYeat

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