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Double Dressing

This game is for 6 or more people.
Collect the following articles of clothing (a thrift store is a good place to get these items inexpensively) and ensure that the clothing items are large enough to fit any guest. Items include:
- men's pants
- bra
- panties or men's undershorts
- shirt
- work boots
- gloves
- hat or cap
- winter scarf
You will need two dice. Seat everyone in a circle. Place the clothing in a heap in the center of the circle. One person begins by throwing the dice. One throw, then the dice are passed to the next person and play continues around the circle.
When someone rolls a double they shout "Doubles" and begin to dress in the clothing from the center of the circle. The dice continue around the circle until another person rolls a double. They then shout "Doubles" and start dressing in the clothing (the person already dressing has to quickly undress and give the clothing to the person who got a double).
The roll of the dice continues until another rolls a double. This continues until someone is quick enough to completely dress in all the clothing.
This game is a huge success and can be extremely comical and competitive as people scramble to undress the previous "doubles" declarer and get dressed before someone else shouts "Doubles".
The game can be modified (clothing-wise) for teens and younger children.
Note: The items of clothing in the center of the circle. Do not replace clothing you or your guests are wearing, it is put on over the top of one's clothing.

Everyone gets a cup of anonymous soda, juice or caffeinated beverages. Make some taste bad (but edible), and some good. Do not make them poisonous, and water is not good for this game.
Nobody should know what the drinks are. Everyone get given a drink.
There is one person chosen to lead. They try to make the first person laugh. They have 20 seconds. The first person is drinking their assigned drink at the same time that the leader is trying to make them laugh. If any amount of the drink spills out of the glass, they are out!
Usually they spit it out because they are laughing at the same time, or because they do not like the drink!
The person who avoids spilling their drink wins.

This is a great party game!

Name that Popstar
This game is very simple, but always goes down well later in the party.
Get a dish and put in some names of popstars on pieces of paper. Ask your guests to take it in turns to pick one out and then to sing a verse of one of their songs. The other guest must try to guess the popstar.
You can award prizes for the best performance.

This is a good game for sleepovers, for singles parties and for ice-breaking.
You and your guests each write down a secret (or fact about themselves that nobody knows) on a piece of paper.
Put all the pieces of paper in a bowl then begin. You pull out each piece of paper and read out the fact while your guests try to guess which secret belongs to which person. If you want to be formal, you can ask them to write all their answers down as they go. The person who gets the most correct answers wins.
This is a good "getting to know you" game.

Best Fun Games

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